Monday, June 7, 2010

The hill the radio call Sept 51

Dear readers (Hi Geo) If any memory haunts me.To a point of course would be tha radio call..That soldier and his platoon was in bad shape,,I cant see how any of them made it,,The next operation I call my longest day.It was one of the worse for our company..but we succeded in our objective,,
Phillip Meyer S/sgt Ret
Kumwah/Kumson North Korea
Sept 1951 :L: Co 5th RCT 24th Div.
Phillip Meyer S/sgt ret.
                                                                Special Moment
 After the rest area..The trucks took us to another hill.Then we new the reason lt,Lee had us climbing the highest hill.The one we would occupy was a high one .The highest we would ever stay on, Immediately we got to work changing fox holes into bunkers. We put everything we could find to make the roof of the bunker strong...So a day or two passed then one day and officer came on the hill and said."Look how dirty this men are why are they shaved ect"" When he left we said to each other .We want our water for drinking forget using it to keep clean,,,,Then one day the problem with the leaflets.Our platoon officer called us together and showed us some leaflets the Chinese had left by the hill..Im not sure while the occupied it and when they left
they also left surrender leaflets. He warned us that he did not want any of us even to pick them up for souvenirs. But then that day......................
                                                                The radio call
 I was out of my bunker looking at the hills to my front. The radioman came by my bunker when a call came in.As the soldier talked I could hear explosions in the back ground and Gun fire,He said they were running out of ammuntyion.Men wounded..We need help..As he talked and told of his situation the attack was going on..How long could they hold out??? It was one of those moments I felt so helpless.He kept asking for help and then........the radio went silent.......Somewhere on a hill far away soldiers were dying the soldier on the radio dead to??? To this day Ill never forget his plea for help....

                                                                     My new name
The day came for us to attack the hill to our front.Ill never forget that tree that survived on the highest point of the hill.We were getting ready to go off the hill.There on the right  were some Korean soldiers took out the cigarets since I did not smoke and gave it to them, One Korean soldier said.:We give you a name"
Your name "ol ne mi" thats the way it was pronounced. I said what does "Ol ne mi" mean.....and the soldier said It means "Sad face boy"........................So before an attack I was called "The sad face boy"I would soon be 18 years old......
The attack next story...Phillip Meyer S/sgt Ret