Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kumwah valley North Korea 51 go for water

Dear Readers..I was very thirsty that day,,Yes I think you will go very far to get a drink of water...Phillip Meyer S/sgt Ret
Kumwah/Kumson North Korea
Aug 1951 "L:" Co 5th RCT 24th Div
Phillip Meyer S/sgt Ret
                                                                   "For a drink of water"
   After the attack on the "Million dollar hill" we never seem to stay in the same place long.We were traveling north however.,It was still warm in August,..One day we were climbing one of the many hills.
We were on the top of the hill I had run out of water in my canteen and I was very thirsty.On the top of the hill I look down in the valley.The sun shining on a very large stream of water. Not to far from the bottom of the hill. I said to myself I just got to get some of that water.Our platoon officer was just coming by and I said.,,Pleading?? "Can I go of the hill and get some water?"It must have been the way I said it To this day I am surprised on what he said,,Simply.."Go".Now when all the soldiers realized I was going for water they started to give me there canteens,. Then I started down the hill ..No not walking I was running as fast as I could, The soldiers I passed must of thought I was crazy.Who knew what I would meet in the valley.When I got to the bottom of the hill I look to my right and there was this huge stream of water. I ran into the valley and jumped in the water,I open the canteens and started to fill them up Plus getting myself a drink of water,By the time the other soldiers caught up with me I had there canteens filled.When they all had there filled canteens.One soldier came to me and said.Pointing at a hill at the end of the valley..The Chinese have a machine gun
up there..Why I was not fired upon..I think because we were to far away to be fired on,,but I was lucky that day..All for a drink of water......Phillip Meyer S/sgt Ret.